Why Psychiatry Fails Every Time!

Why Psychiatry Fails Every Time!
Copyright 2024- Dr. Andrew Greszczyszyn THE SOHAMAHOS TRUST

There is something…..it is DIAGNOSIS
It stands to REASON…..they don’t give a FUCK
Psychosis is not HAllucination is!
DSM and ICDnth.

IN ALL TRUTH…..they are the lowest healers barring NONE!
Relying on LAB when there is NO foundations of “CAUSE”
Dopamin should be invented when ALL other Neurotransmitter on SELVES of HEALTHY PLANET!

LAB work for GABBA only when it has been ingested!
Ready for SOME more because now TAKING.
If that weren’t SICK……infertility and suicide RISK!

Dopaime to be lowered they said but then simultaneously using GABBA as well???

As you can GATHER….they ARE MEDICAL doctors with HAMMERS
Chasing psychosis when true diagnosis is PATHOLOGICAL HALLUCINATES or tions.

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