The GENOCIDE of AntiPsychotic Medicine
Copyright 2024- Dr. Andrew THE SOHAMAHOS Greszczyszyn

In truth….they ARE PEASANTS! Truly are.

Five things they DO NOT understand

  1. Biochemsitry and Herbology, Nutrition and diets (all things Nutritional)…the importance of this REMAKABLE as they ARE SUPPOSED to be. Foundational to understand THEY ARE low in understanding of nutritional biomarkers in mental health such as B12, Methionine and Niacin.
  2. Letting Nurses and Social workers (those BELOW THEM!!!!) diagnose. This is apparent in ALL levels of MENTAL health given HOSPITALS and FORENSIC programs. None ARE qualified AND medical malpractice for them TRYING! They are weak and staff below them are WEAKER!
  3. They NEVER although ALWAYS presenting Psychiatric Medicine as THE BEST…..and given so many changes to the MEDICINE how many 1/1 as become more than X/Nth as challenges to NOT on the BEST but also their math skills! Very serious…how many the BEST fail as the BEST!
  4. Given no knowledge I can see WHY…but not! They never give side effects of medicine (again medical malpractice)….but when you find out they cause INFERTILITY or SERILITY and SUCIDE then you’d understand they likely….nope!!! ARE genocide (tourrette, epilepsy, seniality, schizophrenic/disorders and autism) LOWER case because I guess it is they’re wasting space and should not reproduce
  5. As Genocide the antipsychotics…five parts….a STANDARD of medicine as the CURE…..when they SAID there is no cure (mental health)….dopaine must be the REASON… infertility and suicide in antipsychotic use (but what of serotonine, gabba and lithium????) where there is one lie….yep often another and another and YOU get the POINT….when you’re off the medicine (antipsychotics) they said you’d be impending DOOM (and they give a short date)….when you reach that date (and are obviously fine)…..then they have court documents and inject you spontaneously! (these are all NATURES of GENOCIDE). More so……see #3-5 a few times.

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