Tag: New Supplements

The Nature Of Some “Vitamins”

The Nature Of Some “Vitamins”Copyright 2024- Dr. Andrew THE SOHAMAHOS Greszczyszyn THIS IS ADVANCED principles of supplementation! Some vitamins, coffactors/enzymes, probiotics, etc (generally minerals could or could not be!) SHOULD be BOUND…. In the instance of three I found in my own way 1) Niacin2) B63) Vitamin C THEY ALL requires some BINDING to be […]

An Introduction To NEW Organic Chemistry For Diet And Nutrition

An Introductions To NEW Organic Chemistry For Diet And NutritionCopyright 2024- Dr. Andrew Greszczyszyn Three new models NEED to become “ingrained” in TEXTS. Carbohydrates NOW require labelling of STARTCH, SUGAR, FIBER and two (2)!!!! new labells (care of myself) CASE..a bottle of UNdiluted cherry juice 15 grams carbohydrates with reported 10 grams of sugars….in fairness […]