The Sohamahos Dr. Andrew Greszczyszyn Life Coach

A “Choose” Adventure In Spirituality
The Sohamahos Trust Copyright 2024- Dr. Andrew Greszczyszyn

Choose one of the following aspirations!

Three Natures
1) Wealth
2) Longevity
3) Fame

This eGuide will be a choose own adventure using short dialogues….it is versioned in principles of SPIRITUALITY! Each (Two Paths) gives more than choice but UNDERSTANDING of what that CHOICE represents SPIRITUALLY!

Donations are not expected….each dialogue is fair to be incorported in life with no donations. Donations for information can be made eMONEY TRANSFER or PAYPAL [email protected]

Three Natures WILL BE DISCUSSED based on the TWO PATHS! Now choose WEALTH, LONGEVITY or FAME! The following are the THREE NATURES….
1) Abundance
2) Health
3) Intellect/Memory


You the leader of your business group have decided to reach out to affiliates for more/greater advertizing revenue.

A) DELEGATE for someone else in the GROUP to find connections

1) Abundance….here are some of the considerations….is this in your scope of understanding…..will you get stressed and overworked with little advancement?

2) Health….if you do the work yourself, will you lose free time for rest, family time or earn quick money for a vacation and supplements? would you buy supplements or be fatigued and not understand your own limitations trying to earn more money?

3) Intellect/Memory….do you understand business, projections, analaysis, growth or will you be working for nothing?

An August To Remember (Continued….)

An August To Remember
A Psy-Romance by The Sohamahos

It was night. The night had drawn past eleven. Owen Marks looked down the side of his face. Wrinkles were just beginning to “appear”. He was 50 years of age. His wife was 23. His closest friends were all jealous of….he seduction of this angel.


(this will be an ongoing release every Weekday….donations welcome).

Debbie was his closest longtime friend. She despised Becky Owens’ wife….

This story starts backwards in time from the tranfiguration of Owen from a seducer to a loney 30 year old.
(if you think you have this story figured out… need to read)


Owen was a college misfit, always late for class and always absent studying his eyes if you know what I mean. He slept during class and never saw a problem with that. He did well with grades averaging 79 to 83 percent. He was fit, tall and likeable…..he had many friends. One thing….he would never date anyone for longer than 2 weeks.


Fall FOODS! You Need To Know…The Idea Is Not Harvest Foods

Fall Foods You Need To Know! (A Global Concept)
Copyright 2024- Dr. Andrew THE SOHAMAHOS Greszczyszyn

Three foods….three different areas/territories.

  1. Mountains/Asia
  2. Plains/Europe-North America
  3. Sea/Islands South America rarely Australia and Africa (these two something different)

a. 1 Goat Milk
b. 2 Cattle Beef Meat
c. 3 Calamari/Squid

All have iodine all omega fats and all CLA (congujated linoleic acid)

Donation welcome…. [email protected] eTRANSFER or PAYPAL

B Vitamins Numerology!

B Vitamins Numerology!
Copyright 2024- Dr. Andrew THE SOHAMAHOS Greszczyszyn

It may (hope not because it is relevant!) silly…..but

B1 B2 and B3 and the essentials…..and

B3 is higher than both B1 and B2….

Think 1+2= 3 and remember to get MAXIMUM amounts of B3 (Niacin)….as

B3 is “SO MUCH” health it is “scary” SCARY! SCARY!!!

The MUSCLE Amino Acid “LINKS” Something To Understand For Health And Athletics

The MUSCLE Amino Acid “Links” Something To Understand For Health And Athletics
Findings Are Not To Be Sold As Your Own Findings
Copyright 2024- Dr. Andrew THE SOHAMAHOS Greszczyszyn

a. Muscles responded
b. Meditations also yielded
c. try it for yourself BEFORE a exercise (understand it would be those muscle groups)

i. Phenalanyine was the second I discovered so I knew there was a pattern….it is anconus genus
ii. Methionine is UPPER TRAPS, Deltoids, BUT NOT ARMS which get weak
iii. Isoluciene is Biceps, Neck Flexors and Anterior Tibialis (dorsiflexor)
iv. Hamstrings are glutamine the first I noticed
v. Calves are tyrosine

A Clue….Suppose You Understood Babajis’ Mindset

A Clue….Suppose You Understood Babajis’ Mindset
Copyright 2024- Dr. Andrew THE SOHAMAHOS Greszczyszyn

Babaji has a MINDSET….not (to become a God)….that…..not it!

He thinks everything is “fake”. It is as some/various Buddhist may describe….

But I will “let you ponder” (meaning experience)….why does he think this…..

The TRUE Finding “Lateral” Atlas In Chiropractic Subluxation

The True Finding “Lateral” Atlas In Chiropractic Subluxation
Copyright 2024- Dr. Andrew THE SOHAMAHOS Greszczyszyn

Dr. Francis if Applied Kinesiology…..taught me DEHYDRATION was LATERAL ATLAS.

Often I’d find it on patients, and adjust and also teach them about drinking about 3 liters of water.

Some…if NOT MANY were not drinking much water….but some were.

This is the TRUE finiding…..donation for this work is up to you….as a chiropractor to teach your patients the information is EXTREMELY VALUABLE as an education tool and recurring subluxations DECREASED with GREATER referals.

  1. NO this is NOT a rip off
  2. Legumes are TOXIC….in many patients.
  3. NO it is NOT dehydration BUT

A) right lateral atlas in chiropractic subluxations IS due to coffee sensitivity…..meaning ALLERGY to coffee beans

It is see evident as NOT dehydration as dehyrdating yourself clears RIGHT LATER ATLAS….in fairness restrictions on food and drink intakes is BENEFICIAL for HEALTH (donation seems worthy for this information).

Teas do not DO (create) a right LATERAL ATLAS….so it APPEARS it is COFFEE and we KNOW LEGUMES are OFTEN SENSITIVE in MOST PEOPLE.

What To Do…ABOUT NASAL…Congestion (More than iodine) READ (Donations Welcome)

Copyright 2024- Dr. Andrew THE SOHAMAHOS Greszczyszyn DC, PhD

  2. This is NOT wrong! Nor is is INCOMPLETE
  3. IT is a guide that is shared….donations are HOW I earn WEALTH I was Parmhansa Yoganand last life I was a chiropractor and now a, healer, life coach and immortal. I am recognized rarely yet support many channels of ideas in peoples minds telepathically. I respect some share and some do not share my presences. I am able to hear ALL souls and do commune. I am truly Immortal and will resurrect in 39 YEARS. I have not planned death but do understand Godhead or Source is TRUE. I am freely given to IT and do not waiver.

A) Iodine is required
B) It is required more in WINTER
C) Lysine is required IN FALL/WINTER
D) NASAL congestion like EAR congestion IS due to LOW IODINE (nasal) while ear (yeast which becomes wax).
E) Vitamin C should NEVER exist as supplements
F) Vitamin E taken in SPRING to SUMMER
G) OMEGAS 6 which becomes 3 and 3’s in seeds/grains and meats (general nuts not ready till late summer) is summer
H) Sequence is HONEY clears Lysine after PORC and CHICKEN is eaten…DO NOT CONSUME turkey in FALL (truly AVIAN flues are due to over harvesting AND UNSEASONAL eating…turkey in SPRING….young birds! it sounds sick but is true)-to understand this see below), eggs Vitamin D, sunflowers (encased) and mushrooms (which grow fall/spring) ALL vitamin D (when no sun)…yes this is North American European and some South America BUT not Africa or Asia.

WHY young turkeys….turkeys and a GENERATIONAL harvest. PEASANTS. They are groses. They get sick in four (to five years).
TO hunt….To DE tur is not the way. Harvesting is new. Eating a part of ONE turkey a YEAR would be NORM! Understand SEASONAL EATING makes eating MORE valuable….less is required! Population control is not as relevant in animals in wild POPULATION eating is….too many people eat UNSEASONAL and WASTEFULLY (non caloric foods…..I know what I mean…’d think I’d say the reverse HIGH CALORIC….but calory MEANS use of energy…..not SUGAR or CALORIE/kCAL).

A GENTLE Reminder….IMMORTALS Have Died!

A Reminder….Immortals Have Died!
Copyright 2024- Dr. Andrew THE SOHAMAHOS Greszczyszyn

Three things to understand!

An illness can KILL… immortal…but they’d resurrect! and become light!
A weapon MAY KILL….some know how to protect themselves…..if dead….AGAIN! resurretion…and light!

So…the lesson is…..a LIGHT BODY is Immortals after death! Where death is never again…as they are GHOSTS!

But….do remember a PHYSICAL GHOST is a RESURRECT….and the definition of an immortal!

Again donations are welcome…. [email protected] eTRANSFER or PAYPAL

One other things…MOST if not almost ALL spirits/ can NOT penetrate your BODY…..but influence the MIND.

To understand NEVER to KILL yourself….because a “entity” has told you, you should is (to put it midly as the saying goes…very WEAK!)……truly NO ONE SHOULD KILL themselves….it is KARMIC….and a SIN (murder).

Two solutions exist…A) waiting to naturally go through course to death B) (NOT trying YOGAS! but asking Source Godhead of your faith to “take you out” then its on its term).

If You Want To Understand….READ (pertains to those evolving)

If You Want To Understand…..READ!
Copyright 2024- Dr. Andrew THE SOHAMAHOS Greszczyszyn

Three MORE UNIVERSES exist…..

YET MOST think the following is FUNNY and MADE UP.

The next three universes deal with “natures” we are developing…extensions on what were learning (some call evolution).

Next Universe: Superheroes….where THOUGHT to be OCCULTS/SIDDHIS (how the mind interacts with SPIRIT or ENERG(IES) are the DC or MARVEL mutations that make heroes (both good and bad….after all were all aspiring to become….GODS! (Godddess is redundants meaning female…..asexuals general of NOT TRANSEXUALS but are extremely rare and not mutations.

The Universe(s) AFTER the superheroes…is DRAGONS and MIGHT and MAGIC! generally dwarves, barbarians, mage, druids, knights, half elves and elves, minotaurs etc….SPELL JAMMER is inclusive, Potter, Tolkien, D&D and DRAGONLANCE plus the idea of elven princes and elvens as a seperate….WILL PEOPLE be able to migrate! Raistlin want to TRY!

After this….a WHOLE millieu of worlds for THE STORIES we wrote! Taking different life….SHERLOCK HOLMES, Jesus to Brad Pitts Fight Club or even Dwayne Johnson as a WRESTLER! It will be both tame and wild for sure…..

Coming soon…..7th Notches get to go to next universe upon “dying” yet….time should show immortals gaining access both heavenly realms and life as higher beings in these universes! Some say a reason immortals wanted immortality (not a sales pitch….they work their ass off!).