Some “Gurus” Are Ready To KNOW! And I HAVE SEEN to KNOW!

Copyright 2024- Dr. Andrew Greszczyszyn, The Sohamahaos and Trust

It was NOT “BABAJI” but the system put together….either YOGAS done by Ramaiah or Govindan in Babajis’ Kriya Yoga

YET! there is a nature of realizations one makes in certain things (NOT ALWAYS FINANCIAL).

  1. Calculations of income generation to 144,000 never dependent on so different of things……144 is the THRID LEVEL KRIYAS PLATFORM of Marshall Govindan

YOU may not understand but this could be AN ASSET or to some aspiring for higher…..a limitation….

Three whom would have this “ingrained” through coaching or levels of initiations:

a) they may be hard to see
b) they may not always be realized but calculated
c) they may not always be income but also ideas

1) Tony Robbins
2) Bob Proctor
3) Kriya Yoga from different gurus

NOTE: I did say I had seen to know (not understand, for the most part I believe it to be how their mind works as the mind is a creator).

Your Meditation “SYMBOL”

Your Meditation “Symbol”
Copyright 2024- Dr. Andrew Greszczyszyn

A SYMBOL….but not….anything but UN-FASHIONABLE

All symbols went through TIME!

So the SIDEWAYS eight will ALSO get is time as a SYMBOL of an AVATAR (myself).

Maybe you’ve seen me with the white hat with sideways eight….you may have seen me wearing T-Shirt with SPIRITUAL SLOGANS!

If you don’t yet know me….I

The Sohamahos

New Age Physics You Have To Know (Care The Sohamahos as Channeled)

New Age Physics You Have To Know
Care: The Sohamahos as channeled

If you understood….

You’d already…..KNOW!

What seems funny about this statement is THERE is NO ERROR.

Yes some see it…..the universe is FLAT because LONG AGO people said it was flat….but in TRUTH!!!

It all is THERE!

The experiences in life (talking, reading, discussing, hearing, being explained too, etc) ALL

NO!!!! not create…..but “UNLOCK” the universe that is THERE….it ALREADY IS THERE!


A physics constant worthy to be added to such laws now is mem. (not sure if there is one as such meaning a constant labelled mem. for something else) BUT/YET this constant should be reserved (if given mem.) for MEMORY…..

To walk out of McDonalds and find your car…..but to first find the house you live in (this a new experience)….where NEXT EXPERIENCES become mem. and new charities ONLY unlocking a FAKE (think like Truman Show only it is ALL THERE)… is this STATEMENT that explains QUATUM and NEWER age PHYSICS.

Understanding What Our Minds Do!

Understanding What Our Minds Do!

If you knew…..
(A Poem)

To understand POWER….and to know love!
The battle of FEAR…..the betrayal of SIN!

In the HEART of all is a DESIRE to be KNOWN!

In this universe….a AVATAR or Tribe Immortal….
An iconic that will be SUPERHERO next UNIVERSE and BEYOND!

Etching into Dragons, Mages, thieves and BLACKSMITHS
A-Karma finishes with SILLYNESS and SPOOFS of Nightmarish Murders, Books we wrote and THEN!

Some pass willingly into Nurshrey Rhymes is HOPES of become


Schizophrenias’ Principled “Attack” Scientifically (Get More Enlightened)

Schizophrenias’ Principled “Attack” Scientifically
Copyright 2024- Dr. Andrew Greszczyszyn

When it HAPPENS….you “KNOW”…..your mind becomes US/THEM

Before happening….it was mind “floating”.

To have “delusion” YOU ARE EITHER enlightened to having HAD the EXPERIENCE initiated as a process (it never turns back so

A) medicine is “retarded”
B) Sometimes ego gratification ENLIGHTENMENT occurred does DAMAGE in those not “with this nature”

YET!….there is (NOW CATEGORIZED as Schizo-affective) the wastebasket diagnosis of mental health! a GROWING nature of

“KUNDALINI” released individuals……

To Understand if you HAVE BECOME truly enlightened to SOUL…..MEANS KUNDALINI has been released! Not always all or even any occults/siddhis BUT many people have growing abilities….some don’t care for…..some want to clean….and many aspire even higher for as results.

The “IDEAL” of delusion……to a “unfamiliar” psychiatrist is being “WRONG” about a nature thought to be in the sense something that is FAKE……but the TRUE TERM of delusion is infact the OPPOSITE….it is a SELF IMPOSED nature of the “deluded” NOT seeing their ABILITY as or a TRUST and thinking they are without siddhis/occult or “REALIZATION”

The ONLY WAYS To Overcome Senior Fatigue

The ONLY WAYS To Overcome Senior Fatigue
Copyright 2024- Dr. Andrew Greszczyszyn

You know children have LOTS of ENERGY! when know this…and see middle agers dwindling (worse! feel it….)
DWINDLE or BECOME EXTREME fatigue…..BUT there are five things that ARE IMPORTANT when discussing HOW to IMMEDIATELY (donation welcome! emoney transfer or PAYPAL [email protected] ) increase energy!

Here you’d under some true ways…and understand how middle age can be prepared for seniority!

a. Hydration….coffee backs up and requires to become “cleared” daily…..BUT NOT All present day (especially tap water! and many variations of bottle water….except two EVIAN and AQUFINA/DESANIA but requires cold and volumunous amounts in excess of 1 litter per cup (8 ounce) coffee.

b. Rest…..meditation and QUALITY SLEEP! sometimes overwork or not sitting/laying or lifting legs mid day

c. Stretching (generally now in society needing to stretch flexor including chest, hamstring, biceps and front neck)….which aids in MOVING lymph

d. Testosterone….note not just a MALE thing…..females have this HORMONE as well…..blood sugar regulation, hormone balance, vitamin D and proper muscle mass all impact this.

e. Lethargy MEANS all these are POORLY working but to be MOTIVATED with Action and Work means SLOTH does not incur and one will not thereby become tired due to DEPRESSION, NON MOTIVATION, NON DESIRE and non ACTION towards.

An Introduction To NEW Organic Chemistry For Diet And Nutrition

An Introductions To NEW Organic Chemistry For Diet And Nutrition
Copyright 2024- Dr. Andrew Greszczyszyn

Three new models NEED to become “ingrained” in TEXTS.

Carbohydrates NOW require labelling of STARTCH, SUGAR, FIBER and two (2)!!!! new labells (care of myself)

  1. Chitin (much like the idea of protein) meaning A STRUCTRE (not a pattern!) that is heat stable….generally woods, roots and spices.
  2. Virus (which means a PATHOGEN foreign) generally yeast or fungi and sometimes fermentations of alchohol

CASE..a bottle of UNdiluted cherry juice 15 grams carbohydrates with reported 10 grams of sugars….in fairness there would be about 3.9 grams of startches and some virus (YEAST!), with almost zero chitin.

Protein also requires a new classification….this beyond amino acids…..amino acids can also be CONDITIONAL essential (three tyrosine, phenalanine and cysteine in that order). Protein also has the ability to be classified as amino acids and “gelatinous” a new way of classifying and as well say in FATS….

FATS we know as essential, poly, mono, saturated, trans and NOW frozen….when deep sea have a fat that is a HARDENED fat that is like a structure but is not carbohydrate, protein, alchohol (though close) or water, mineral (may be closesly called but not!), or vitamin.

The Presentation Of Cancer In Females

The Presentation Of Cancer In Females
A Look At Physiology And Female History Of Disease

Three things stand out in the “natures” of female health called “REPRODUCTORY” disease.

  1. Breasts are getting fibroids
  2. Uterines and getting cancers more so and
  3. Babies are becoming born later in lives with fewer births per women

This trend of fewer births in older age (generally due to university education and dating in later age) MEANS
women are with OLDER reproductive organs in childbirth. This some know. BUT DO NOTHING ABOUT….to have children earlier in life means HAVING healthier organs later in life. The opposite would be staying a VIRGIN to remain CELEBATE and ANCIENT.

Cancer in uterine is SIMILAR as fibroids in BREASTS…and primarily due to POOR dietary HABITS and RECREATIONAL use of HORMONES called BIRTH CONTROL.

Three “Medical” Dogmas That Hurt Society

Three “Medical” Dogmas That Hurt Society
Copyright 2024- Dr. Andrew THE SOHAMAHOS Greszczyszyn

To understand health….one has to be both “scientist” in ALL AREAS of “ANTROPOTHRIC” HUMAN NATURES….things like biochemistry, anatomy, physiology, histology, pathology, BUT ALSO….

The HEALING modality from SHAMAMISM and some ALCHEMISTRY to acuputure, reiki, herbology, nutrition, diets and fasting as well as chiropractic and various energy medicines such as allergy therapy, exercise, supplementation and modalities (including but not limited to ultrasoung, IFC, lazer, hyperbaric, talk therapy, homeopathy and even casting).

To understand even part of those sufficiently….with an OPEN MIND….you will “GATHER” that the following ARE DOMAGAS which limit true PRINCIPLES of HEALTH.

  1. Make no mistake….and it has been shown conclusively with and over 90 inoculation rate for COVID vaccination and almost exclusive people still contracting COVID…..yes with A FAKE ANTIGEN and FAKE LIFECYCLE……you get FAKE ANTIBODIES!
  2. Medicine is the BEST TREATMENT…..FOR ALL TRUTH this is so far wrong! THE BEST SOLUTION is removing interferance or supporting deficiencies IN…..heres’ it for all AGES!!!! and into ALL AGES…..(barring almost no one! except inheditary diseases in infancy)…LIFESTYLE changes! Generally NO ONE IS deficient in DRUGS or REQUIRES something to be REMOVED using surgery…..change the PROBLEM….don’t give a crutch (PILL) or at least only acutely.
  3. You’ve read my post on PSYCHIATRY…..generally it is the “WEAKEST” of medical models…..phobias, compulsions (DONATION FOR THIS POST SEEMS AGAIN relevant! especially if a practitioner) fear and other “thought” forms CAN BEST BE “SOLUTED” using TALK or REMEDIAL expressive CHANGES of ACTION or INTENTIONAL modifications….while depression finding a hobby, getting regular exercise, sunlinght and Dvitamin as well as STAYING of DAIRY from BEEF CATTLE (cheese, yogurt not as bad and modified milk products in ALL frozen foods and prepared products…..see the previous post (ON MANIA!!! for alternative solutions) and understand it is a “LIMITATION” in blood sugar (not always synthethic)…..but it also is my opinion that coffee beans are being fertilized where other foods have been since the 1950s (price pottenger and weston research!) foods are now significantly reduced due to immediate growhousing, non rotation, non refertilization and use of pestizides and herbicides. Schizo-affective (both truly self realization of soul the inner mind…..and never classified as delusion or “hearing voices” as the mind does NOT HEAR! is due to both methionine and niacine deficiency (early research by Harold Hoffer) but can be see (like last post due to trends in society) as a steer away from BEEF (1960), TUNA (1990), PEANUTS (2000) and now eve Coffee to GREEN TEA and many the last mushrooms (the “HIGHER or MORE EXOTIC” the mushroom the more depleted the NIACIN and MORE COPPER).

Presentation Of Primary Alternative TREATMENT For Mania

Presentation Of Primary Alternative Treatment For Mania
Copyright 2024- Dr. Andrew Greszczyszyn

Mania is classified as BIPOLAR, this is true….

What is untrue is IT IS BEING treated as a UP (surgance) and DOWN (depletion)… fact the way psychiatry now appears to be treating it is WAKEFULLNESS.

What we do see in society is a growing trend of WAKEFULLNESS with psychiatry presenting either lithium or sleeping pills.

YET the following is VERY true….many “people” do NOT want to rely on BUT DO WANT a mild effect of sedation. Some people even fear (as I do) taking a sleeping pill as the INNATE within them “appears” that sleeping pills would sedate and not allow waking early enough.

Solution….. when examined….WAKEFULLNESS (generally labelled as INSOMNIA) and 2….inability to wake next morning (this what psychiaty is now presenting as BIPOLAR….which I say is not TRUE etiology of MANIA but a reflection of bad medical history taking….) YOU GET THE FOLLOWING requirement…..(DONATION FOR THIS SEEMS RELEVANT especially if a medical practitioner).

Calcium Phosphate….

Calcium Phosphate (something that does NOT NEED to be in pharmaceutical form!!!) but is found in the growing trend of products society is shying away from….(sardines and salmons..generally the bones!, soy which people are saying is bad for health especially males and dairy….which has a growing trend of people avoiding it in present celebrity circles).

When you examine the nature of what calcium phoshate does “THERAPEUTICALLY” when LOW it causes INSOMNIA with INABILITY to WAKE and LAC of DIRECTION….this the “SYMPTOMS” of the NOW PRESENT DAY “MANIC”