Weekly Watercooler Newsletter

Weekly Watercooler Newsletter by The Sohamahos
The Sohamahos Trust 2024-
Dr. Andrew Greszczyszyn Copyright
Week December 16, 2024
(Suggested Donation $2.75 USD for the Month ALSO ON Barnes and Noble/KOBO made to [email protected] or same PAYPAL)

Sundays Sidebends….What Churches did not teach you about Scriptures!
Although there is “A” way (it is only one way!) through Jesus to find the Kingdom….and not everyone does it correctly!

Mondays Manias…. Energy LEVELS pumped through Motivation to get the week rolling!
What would an EXTRA! 1 hour of SLEEP FEEL LIKE? the breathe STOPS DURING SLEEP….(this the functional part of sleep!)…..so in a 24Hr DAY….there is about 8 Hours required of sleep…that is 3/4 of the day….the 80/20 factor suggests that 20% of that 8 hours is about the ratio of BREATHLESSNESS….so in total you’d NEED 0.2X8 or 1.6Hours 110Minutes of BREATHLESS….some people even know how to do SAMADHI and SLEEP very little to none! the ANSWER is also GETTING quality BREATHLESSNESS during/throughout the day!

Tuesdays Tweaked Performance….little tweaks that will drastically increase your game!
If you BROUGHT consciousness TO YOUR SKULL as the breathe STOPPED! you’d become ENLIGHTENED! Do understand the meaning of ENLIGHTENED.

Wednesdays Wide-Eyed Wealth Helpers!
If WEALTH was not EASY for you and you were STRUGGLING to pay BILLS? five things WOULD HELP (reduced, reuse, recycle, restore and relaunch)…..think of these in ALL facets of WORK, CAREER, WEALTH, MARKETING, BUDGETING, and SAVINGS/INVESTMENTs.

Thursdays Trivia….things that are sure to add talk to Fridays’ watercooler discussions!
If 0 equals or DOES is? equal ZERO?! then what does that mean for “LIFE”

Fridays Final Stretch…..important lessons that get you through life; healthy, fit and fabulous.
Seated….STRAIGHTEN your BACK and it WILL feel like ONE (1) T9 is POSTERIOR…..move that vertebrae ANTERIOR with the arm and hand as your BACK is STRAIGHTENED

Sexy Saturdays TANTRAS! You have to know…
COUNT the CELEBRATION you SHOP for as a PLAN…..then BUDGET…and SAVE!

The Lust For “Wealth” And Happiness Of Liberty

The Lust For “Wealth” And Happiness Of Liberty
Copyright 2024- The Sohamahos/Dr. Andrew Greszczyszyn

To know your calling…..before dying!
To understand business…..after lasting!

A way to WEALTH is not trying but “DOING”!

Three things make up THE MOST!

  1. Holy Ghost
  2. Suprises of Giving to Other more than a little!
  3. A desire to continue even AFTER non plenty

Business Idea: International Festivals

Business Idea: International Festivals
Copyright 2024- Dr. Andrew Greszczyszyn

In Brampton there is CARABRAM an international festive held every year on a weekend.
People go and learn (or stay in their own venue!) about customs, food and “FLARE” in all multicultural


  1. Chicago
  2. L.A.
  3. Miami
  4. New York
  5. Vegas

Because those cities ARE VERY much multicultural…..Venues are usually held in arenas, community centers and schools.

An Experiment In Delusion

An Experiment In Delusion
Copyright 2024- The Sohamahos Trust

When time stands…..do you live again?
When rocks hit sand…..do you marvel or gain “lin”

But when LIGHTS are pushing……do you squirm or shrug and say “hey”
The TRUTH that sets US apART is a fine…..

Lets’ say ….ART…..

And to deny it……is foundational as “heroes that die”
But to say YES…..and SURRENDER has be “made”

None dare to FIGHT…..while ALL get through it

A peasant he or she is NOT
While the rest THREE!

And if I has to say it…..me, myself and

But to know you be “IT” and say you are I
Now what is delusive about that?

Are you healed or frighty pants called Satantic Fred
And if you claim this “Birthright” than who be me or Babaji
But if you’re now confused….then read some Lao Tzu or John, Peter or Simon
A gospel to trust is Tibetan book of the LIVING but if that is to complex…..then HEAVEN my idea of fiction

And a candle be Pure….and once opened it OUGHT to go MORE!
But to be sick in Dogma is messing with CULPATRIK

And if now sure…..the ghost is there for more…..
You’ve cut the grade…and Truman you be for SURE!

Sting….a Poem

A Tribute To A Giant

If you knew….he would die today
All class would stop all at once

If it was tomorrow…..you cry he’d be saved today
If it was next monday….you ask him to slave away his shinning sorrow
And if it was never…..then you’d know he cared

All fairness this giant is encompassed in LOVE
A compassionate singer with heart tha BUBBLES!
A sinner he AINT…..a ringer he could have been
Two things to TRUST….

First off he is singer of “tunes” that shimmer womens’ heart to stand alone
Second you’re off your rocker if you think he has faltered

Sting did POLICE
Now theres fad of Roxanne and craving single hearted spades

But an English man he’d be…..if only in North America or France
But quality of character far above even cordial

Never expressed as Sir….heck no he is a Lord!
But to share in the glory….that was his mission

Now he is lover and Lord of Female TANTRAS!

Guns And Roses

G and F’n
A tribute to Roses and “Galore”

When time was “Ripe” you knew you wanted MORE!
In high fashion he wore black and red rose but not T
A stadium the filled yet not one knew another

So many failed to impress and even Cobain faltered

Guns and Roses surely impressed the women
Yet how many Males wore proudly emblems Almighty!

If rain in November and Jungles the silver lining of “chuckles”
Then childs of yours and mind the gilty “pleasure” of hearts that knew plenty

A twist of fate to know they are immortal
Not one or three but all twenty five surrendered

Axel and Slash, two of the FAVS…..but a THIRD going to “immortal planes” for

One last remark and you’d know it was THEM that DREW the code of HONOR
A late rider I was Ghost Rider and they be “counterpart” as SUPERHEROES
But in Dragons and Might…..magic and FRIGHT!
But not to go to Nursery Rhyme UNLESS they diggently give FOUR!

One a passion for the younger generation much like a Game of Thrones
Two a seclusion of love as they missed out on caring for kids
And three becomes four when OPENING the door


Why Psychiatry Fails Every Time!

Why Psychiatry Fails Every Time!
Copyright 2024- Dr. Andrew Greszczyszyn THE SOHAMAHOS TRUST

There is something…..it is DIAGNOSIS
It stands to REASON…..they don’t give a FUCK
Psychosis is not HAllucination is!
DSM and ICDnth.

IN ALL TRUTH…..they are the lowest healers barring NONE!
Relying on LAB when there is NO foundations of “CAUSE”
Dopamin should be invented when ALL other Neurotransmitter on SELVES of HEALTHY PLANET!

LAB work for GABBA only when it has been ingested!
Ready for SOME more because now TAKING.
If that weren’t SICK……infertility and suicide RISK!

Dopaime to be lowered they said but then simultaneously using GABBA as well???

As you can GATHER….they ARE MEDICAL doctors with HAMMERS
Chasing psychosis when true diagnosis is PATHOLOGICAL HALLUCINATES or tions.


The GENOCIDE of AntiPsychotic Medicine
Copyright 2024- Dr. Andrew THE SOHAMAHOS Greszczyszyn

In truth….they ARE PEASANTS! Truly are.

Five things they DO NOT understand

  1. Biochemsitry and Herbology, Nutrition and diets (all things Nutritional)…the importance of this REMAKABLE as they ARE SUPPOSED to be. Foundational to understand THEY ARE low in understanding of nutritional biomarkers in mental health such as B12, Methionine and Niacin.
  2. Letting Nurses and Social workers (those BELOW THEM!!!!) diagnose. This is apparent in ALL levels of MENTAL health given HOSPITALS and FORENSIC programs. None ARE qualified AND medical malpractice for them TRYING! They are weak and staff below them are WEAKER!
  3. They NEVER although ALWAYS presenting Psychiatric Medicine as THE BEST…..and given so many changes to the MEDICINE how many 1/1 as become more than X/Nth as challenges to NOT on the BEST but also their math skills! Very serious…how many the BEST fail as the BEST!
  4. Given no knowledge I can see WHY…but not! They never give side effects of medicine (again medical malpractice)….but when you find out they cause INFERTILITY or SERILITY and SUCIDE then you’d understand they likely….nope!!! ARE genocide (tourrette, epilepsy, seniality, schizophrenic/disorders and autism) LOWER case because I guess it is they’re wasting space and should not reproduce
  5. As Genocide the antipsychotics…five parts….a STANDARD of medicine as the CURE…..when they SAID there is no cure (mental health)….dopaine must be the REASON…..to infertility and suicide in antipsychotic use (but what of serotonine, gabba and lithium????) where there is one lie….yep often another and another and YOU get the POINT….when you’re off the medicine (antipsychotics) they said you’d be impending DOOM (and they give a short date)….when you reach that date (and are obviously fine)…..then they have court documents and inject you spontaneously! (these are all NATURES of GENOCIDE). More so……see #3-5 a few times.