The Sin of WHO (World Health Organization)
Copyright 2024- Dr. Andrew Greszczyszyn
- THEY reformed the STATEMENT on WEBSITE….VACCINATION does not MEAN IMMUNIZATION (this is TRUE) yet!!!! the HAVE NOT disseminated this to NURSES and the Doctors that and PHARMACIES that instil programs of VACCINATIONS
- Nurses and NURSING colleges….ARE RISK and SHOULD serve punishment, jailtime/fines AS dictated in STANDARDS for
a. DIAGNOSING when not in standards…see previous post
b. Not indicating RISK of VACCINES….NO this is a STANDARD…and encouragment towards getting vaccinated is NOT a STANDARD
c. DOING work they ARE NOT ABLE TO DO (see previous post!) not to WORK above capacity for a HIGHER that has delegated to them…..HOSPITALS, MDS, PSYCHIATRIST and DEFINATELY not those of lower PTA/OTA, CAs, or other professions even those/meaning NOT a CHIROPRACTOR, VETERANARY, HOMEOPATH, ACUPUNTURIST, or NATUROPATH (naturopath I am yet to read standards a Nurse may be able to draw blood, but think this is extent of standard for a Naturopath).
- Pharmacies in THREE AREAS
a. VACCINES as we know they ARE USELESS truly are useless in all facets….fake antigen, fake lifecycles MEANS fake ANTIBODIES….they do nothing but MAIME! truly I am telling the TRUTH! it should be WHO (WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION) that informs NOW and DISMANTLES program….WHILE reducating the PUBLIC and SERVING as a HYGIENE care AND LIFESTYLE MODIFICATION
c. CANCERS….you can chemo it, you can radiate it, you can cut it OUT! but….if the LIFESTYLE has not changed! it WILL COME BACK…..too much money is WASTED on research when LIFESTYLE and
d. DID YOU KNOW coke zero is once banned given the synthetic sugars that were once take off the self ONLY and not even FULLY RENAMED
e. MANY if NOT ALL antipsychotics OFF SHELVES and NEVER to be USED again! Doccument it is GENOCIDE….suiced risk NOT EVEN explained but said to be fault of PATIENTS and engineered STERILITY! genocide yes….you’ve listed the five…AUTISUM, TOURETTES, EPILEPSY, SCHIZO/AFFECTIVE & MANIAS, SENIALITY
f. Dairy….DOES NOT! do the BODY good but INFANTS milk does! to a certain age you peasant! THIS IS NO JOKING matter….yet WHO (world health organization….lower case is correct!) is BRIBED through this list. Now you know! And knowing is! as J.I Joe said…half the battle….because then you can do lifestyle…..Germ Theory of Disease is DEBUNKED! HYGIENE and LIFESTYLE…..where there is trauma/diseased tissue then PATHOGENS provoke…..pathogens do NOT hear it AGAIN….DO NOT (they are EVERYWHERE!) lifestyle and HYGIENE the culprit…..cause disease NEVER do pathogens….yes it is YODA….WISDOM of true healthy PEOPLE who KNOW science….not peasants being paid!