The Spiritual Laws
The Sohamahos
Copyright 2024- Dr. Andrew Greszczyszyn
If you had a “GUIDE” to WHAT divinity MEANT…it WOULD BE this GUIDE!
A guide such as the guide you are READING….is not small….nor is it WEAK!
A front line of success is YOGANANDA however ALL in YOGA think of immortal MAHAVATAR Babaji.
Two remarkable “IDEAS” shape Babaji higher than Yogananda. 1) People think Babaji is a God and Yogananda not a God
2) Babaji immortal and Golden whereas Yogananda not golden with little or none seeing him after death
To fully understand HOW YOGANANDA is “consciously” MORE ELEVATED than Mahavatar one should appreciate those two remarkable ideas simple with clear conscious thought and ENLIGHTENMENT!
Babaji does not speak ENGLISH nor does he live with confines of HUMANITY….to some this is seen as a challenge to many more a limitation of wealth! In contrast YOGANANDA was fluenty in some/many languages….also he wrote and lived in the society….a large city at the time…in a LARGE respected COUNTRY!
Why this compare and contrast? Babaji was to become Peter of Biblical times….and him Wallace….and Wallance !!!!
Babaji two plus immortality as occults…a Golden aura…and teleportation….to say HE WAS ageless is NO remark….as the LIGHT body of an immortal is ALWAYS SHAPED in the “FORM” of its last SAMADHI….BABAJI little and YOGANANDA a LOT!
Examining these further….Babaji had sent Yogananda to the west given story in Autobiography….some think this the “battle” with Sri Yukestwar some read about with the naming of Swami…..yet all should understand Sri Yukteswar did little in the way of MOVEMENT of YOGA….whereas YOGA much….any immortals including himself and Kriya Organizations building worldwild….this NOT Babaji…..remember Babaji does not speak…..few of those reading even as Kriyabans or advanced Yogis are remotely close to telepathic resonance to know if they truly could commune with Babaji…..what language does he speak? Satchidananda “Marshall” Govindan is removed……he was IN Self-realization Fellowship….the Yoga of Yogananda. None should question Marshall far lower consciously than Yogananda….I could show easily….through looking at a video or image of Satchidananda and gazing at notches/chakra. Look third, fourth, fifth etc… don’t have to be an adept trained yogi to see the chakra pronounced with fuzz above and below is the 5-6th notch…..this around the level of a MASTER (5th) and not fully opened 6th (Saint/Siddha/Bodhistiva)….do note always has there been MORE siddhas or saints/bodhistivas than Ladies/Lords.
Yogananda WAY before Satchidanada videos with same analysis is 6th/with opening 7th if not 7th at times.
The guide now will move onto SPIRITUALITY as a discussion of 10 TRUTHS….TRUTHS that are NOT based on ANYONE other THAN your NATURE as as SOUL and SPIRIT. These are the 10 LAWS….each will be taught….each will be then expressed….and then two final ideas plus a closing remark will be “discussed” on Spiritual Truths.
1) To know yourself
2) To liberate yourself
3) To listen to your Soul
4) To open 7 notches
5) To create immortal self or objects
6) To become truth or omnipresent
7) To remove falsehoods called dogma
8) To create followings of objects or self
9) To Desire nothing or become omnipotent
10) To become Goddess/God
Part 1) To Know Yourself
Babaji will no longer be spoken about by those who understand Immortality. To KNOW YOURSELF is not a idea of SIMPLE MIND "idea". To know yourself is is a FOUNDATION for ALL things VALUABLE!
Understanding YOUR SELF! where the self is your SOUL… FOUNDATIONAL for LIBERATION….liberation NOW the AIM.
PART 2) To Liberate Yourself
When you you GET it? Where the IDEA of FINDING your SELF...the SOUL is the first PORTION of BECOME liberated MUCH LIKE enlightenment...CAN occur REPEATEDLY!
PART 3) To Listen to Yourself
To KNOW HOW to achieve....ALL this is the SOUL! Listening to the SOUL.....becomes the foundation for ALL things LIBERATING! More on this little point (NOT SO LITTLE!) to is THE ONLY thing in LIFE that MATTERS! kids...dogs....spending....groceries....cable tv remote not working.....NOPE! only listening to the ADVICE of your SOUL.
PART 4) To Open 7 Notches
Opening the SEVEN primary NOTCHES sometimes called chakras is a DIRECT way to LIBERATION. Liberation through OPENING the 7 Notches IS often mistaken as a "enlightenment"....but WHAT! is true opening of a NOTCH.
Notches OPEN sequentially….generally it TAKE “huge” amount of discipline to or experience in LIFE developments TO….become a 7th Notch (Lord/Lady) being. Lower would be a 6th (Siddha, Boddhistiva, Saintess or Saint)….and those 6th when fully opened…felt like a SPILTING in the area of those “NOTCHES” have access to HEAVEN, while 7th access to HEAVEN and general of Immortal REALMS access to other “UNIVERSES”. These two the lowest of LIBERATIONS.
Discussion: To understand more than this is PART in PARCEL….yet these previous is a “GUIDE” to what HUMANS are doing on earth(s)….where a human could if all things were similar a “being” in other EQUALLY representative DIMENSIONS or EARTHS/universes capables. One further point on the previous….a MOVEMENT as explained by YOGANANDA (through the third eye!) is NOT how you become opened to third eye opening if you consider the movement your body through a third eye!
It does HOWEVER means OPENING! the third eye (not some hairy fairy idea you’ve opened the sixth chakra!) BUT a true “cleavage and OPENING of the 6th CHAKRA/NOTCH so it remains OPEN and conscious if you were to die WOULD penetrate through THAT Notch….this the PRINCIPLE that full should register on these first four truths. The “SPIRIT” move OUT the nature that is HIGHEST OPENED….6th to heavenly with ability though sometimes NOT to return…and 7th ablility to gain access to most ANY LOCAL in immortal dimensional realms BUT NOT yet unless SAMADHIS have developed the physical self…a PREPARED PHYSICAL immortality! And that occuring from 6th to 8th. Where a 6th would open at latest to 7th in death….with death ending in resurrection….resurrect the immortal body.
PART 5) To create immortal self or objects
Sometimes a AIM of liberation (either adopted or due to coming back as a 5th or even 6th notched opening being) COULD BE.....immortalization of physical self....or immortalization of PHYSICAL OBJECTS....rarely pottery, artifacts or dresses/swag but OFTEN enough poems, songs, and books.
6) To become truth or omnipresent
Even "HIGHER" consciously than IMMORTAL formation is HAVING "your ideas that BECAME IMMORTAL" being self evident as a TRUTH....remember...a TRUTH will last into all dimensions and all natures...this something to consider when discussing PLANS for business or self if your goals are beyond simple. Not all TRUTHS are easily accessed. Many will never be found through HUMANS....and of those that THINK they FOUND A truth....the 'TRUTH' is often enough these what appear to be HIGH TRUTHS are in error called DOGMA! with enlightenment of these ideas possible...YET NO "value as a TRUTH".
PART 7) To remove falsehoods called dogma
Although you MAY be striving to CREATE an impression THAT is BASED upon TRUTHS (and we know these are hard to immortalize!) in ALL FACT....removing your self from DOGMATIC conditions is also equaly important. To understand DOGMA is falsehoods or ERRORS (not as judgement) but NATURES that have been given as REASON d'etre.
PART 8) To create followings of objects or self
As you "grow" the idea of some is to just allow those who develop ABUNDANCE...a general consideration is to CREATE following for your objects or your immediate SELF. Again in fairness three easy wasy to develop this is:
i) self as wealth
ii) self as fame
iii) self as beauty
PART 9) To Desire nothing or become omnipotent
This title may SOUND paradoxical....but is TRULY far from THAT! TO desire becomes OMNIPRESENT conscious SPIRIT that is with NO desires for aspiring to BE ANYTHING physical or even causal and astral (varrying degrees of realm matter from thoughts to dream/emotional/sensory natures). In the case of OMNIPOTENT the self if SOMEWHAT full of ability to CREATE...and some think it is a DESIRE of CREATION to CREATE for OTHERS.
PART 10) To become Goddess/God
This is the NATURE! To become recognized or LIBERATED as a DIVINE BEING....someone that is a God or Goddess. Nothing is further than the truth that it is a POSSIBLE NATURE!
From Krishna and Moses to Jesus and Buddha, Lao Tzu and Mohammad. Among others.
Reincarnation! This the nature we sometimes dread…while others respect as a LAW of SPIRIT….what is it exactly!?
To know the spirit that is your template requires to adjust and become released….and that before death…a death that would mean the spirit now absent or a SOUL realized BEING that is (NO!!! it can only be considered a God-Goddess). In that way…..he/she would be fully SOUL…or BRAHMAN/HOLY SPIRIT the nature of ONE with TOTALITY! A consideration well worth revisiting in the mind from time to time. No punishment on all levels….just conditions of lower and higher mansions in the afterlife which in the east are considered better (lower numbers) or worse (higher numbers) lokhas.
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