Space Race and NEW Frontiers

Space Race and NEW Frontiers
Copyright 2024- Dr. Andrew THE SOHAMAHOS Greszczyszyn

In time you’d know!
A mission to space, only one fled

Thirty minutes they said….a countdown Babaji dread
Mataji he was looking for….all knews she aboard

Babaji the “loser” we all thought initially our “saviour”
Yogananda and Shiva, Krishna and Moses

Angel, and Musk, Pitt and Pestova
Trumps and Obamas, Anderson Cooper and Opera

Some you did not know and others that come after
To get aboard a “STARDESTROYER” likely partly true

A ship capable of intergalactic star flight
Europe and MadWorld, Neil Youngs Gold Rush

A way to NEVER decay as we have moved forward
Losing our sight on NOPE Neil did not mean PEASANTS

Only less than 144,000 anyways
A few pilots to trust, optics for lenses

Pescriptions unfounded, water sound of reason
Fasting so common, junkies they once thought of us

Niacin reduction, longevity inherited
Mental insanity the older version of psychiatry

Taming the shrew and Shakespear plus iconic music
The best videos games now startrek a mission of “adolescence”

If I told more, I’d be humor like GAYLORD….some iconic we dred to “breed”

A skateboarding dog, a Tyser and Rombo, Tyler the “Bandit” Spencer a Francey

Matt Elson and Tibbits, Barret reincarnated, Wnston a Player and McGregor next life

Forbes a Middle name and a Hockey player

Bunch not apples, Squirrelynuts gets three wives immortal

Wallace and Wilkinson (what ALMIGHTY….arms that is!), McMurrens and Cicerrallos, Donny Darko cast and ET? what (okay!)

Now to the serious nature then lets all reason….not a bunch of bull but truth be told do we need it?!

Heck yes I’ve tried it so ANIMAL meat is needed…how we do space flight I haven;t quite figured…..maybe a space for frozen concocktions,

Water a wash but you’re all attractive!