The TRUE Finding “Lateral” Atlas In Chiropractic Subluxation

The True Finding “Lateral” Atlas In Chiropractic Subluxation
Copyright 2024- Dr. Andrew THE SOHAMAHOS Greszczyszyn

Dr. Francis if Applied Kinesiology…..taught me DEHYDRATION was LATERAL ATLAS.

Often I’d find it on patients, and adjust and also teach them about drinking about 3 liters of water.

Some…if NOT MANY were not drinking much water….but some were.

This is the TRUE finiding…..donation for this work is up to you….as a chiropractor to teach your patients the information is EXTREMELY VALUABLE as an education tool and recurring subluxations DECREASED with GREATER referals.

  1. NO this is NOT a rip off
  2. Legumes are TOXIC….in many patients.
  3. NO it is NOT dehydration BUT

A) right lateral atlas in chiropractic subluxations IS due to coffee sensitivity…..meaning ALLERGY to coffee beans

It is see evident as NOT dehydration as dehyrdating yourself clears RIGHT LATER ATLAS….in fairness restrictions on food and drink intakes is BENEFICIAL for HEALTH (donation seems worthy for this information).

Teas do not DO (create) a right LATERAL ATLAS….so it APPEARS it is COFFEE and we KNOW LEGUMES are OFTEN SENSITIVE in MOST PEOPLE.