Valuable Lessons On Human Immortality

Valuable Lessons On Human Immortality
Copyright 2024- Dr. Andrew Greszczyszyn
(SUGGESTED DONATION $7.28 USD [email protected]/eTRANSFER or PAYPAL)

A) Book 1: Understanding IMMORTALITY
B) Book 2: Reasons for and not aspiring for immortality
C) Book 3: The Limitations Imposed on Those Aspiring For Immortality

Book A Understanding IMMORTALITY

There ARE 28 and a FEW MORE….I will discuss ALL relevant over time….here are the first 6 to consider when discussing IMMORTALITY.

  1. Resurrection
    Immortality IS NOT!!!! I stress is not DEATHLESSNESS…everyone should understand at the POINT to consider IMMORTALITY to BE DEATHLESS or NOT dying….then one would HAVE to PASS consciousness of FORM to other UNIVERSES and EXIST…in ALL conditions of TIME/SPACE/LOCALITY. In All one would have to be OMNIPRESENT to be considered DEATHLESS. Immortality is resurrection…..a etheric or “light form” which is more refined to OUTLAST time and conditions of “physicality”.
  2. Omnipresence
    Is the TRUEST condition of what most people until they LEARN immortals are resurrects. OMNIPRESENCE is PURE DEATHLESS…it is the FIRTS of the FOURTH omnis’ and is CONSIDERED full liberation as it is MEREGING into SOURCE/GODHEAD.
  3. Cycle Reincarnation
    An immortal HAS finished the cycles of REINCARNATION….YET…a NON immortal could “ONCE liberated from cycles of REINCARNATION” also decide they are going to STAY within IMMORTAL planes….YET a PHYSICAL immortal is a IMMORTAL that has finished the cycles and HAS taken the role(s) on to STAY in PHYSICAL existence(s) as a physical/light being. Babaji is not the only one….currently there are “EXPRESSED” to be some 837 HUMAN IMMORTALS (August/2024).
  4. Samadhi
    Is the TERMINATION of Cycles of Reincarnation. Samadhi is LIBERATION and removal of SPIRIT through THAT WHICH one BECOMES a “God”/Goddess.
  5. Religions
    Religious MINDEDNESS means LITTLE for IMMORTALITY. Spirituality or even SCIENCE resonation can ALSO AIDE and SUPPORT one becoming IMMORTAL. No religion is BETTER/BEST as NO creed, colour or economic caste heightens the ability.
  6. Energy as Consciousness
    To become LONGER lived and ABLE to support IMMORTALITY one has to BECOME capable of overcoming STRESSES imposed upon the body, mind and “spirit”. Three thing SHOULD ALWAYS be inclusive to the “speaking” on IMMORTALITY….

a. Immortals can resurrect….as often as happens in death!
b. Immortals lust little
c. Immortal are supported

Book B Reasons For Apiring For Or Not Choosing Immortality


  1. Longer Life
  2. To Be A God or Goddess
  3. To Prove Something
  4. Because You Trust You Were Created As Immortal
  5. Because You Desire Immortals
  6. Because Your Consort Is Immortal
  7. To Outlive Your Planet
  8. To Help Humanity
  9. Because Source or a “Guru” Asked You


  1. To Go Against Someone
  2. To TRY to OUTDO family, friends or exfriends/family
  3. Because someone in your MIND TOLD YOU YOU WERE HEXED
  4. To SIN more and think IMMORTALS are PUNISHED

Book C: The Limitations Imposed Upon Those Aspiring For Immortality

Although there could be said to be more than 12 NATURES that “are much like STRESSES” three ARE in EXACT REASONS to consider if you ARE PRONE and YOU SHOULD ABANDON the PURSUIT towards IMMORTALITY.

a. Needing SUPPORT of OTHERS close to you in familial ties (people will be dying and your family network with become “disipated”

b. ASPIRING for FAME, FORTUNE or CELEBRITY status (it comes there is some fame, yet it is NOT REASON D’etre)

c. HAVING comforts….(your wealth needs to support you throughout the ages)…..sure it is true once dead you are spirit but getting through a “longer” life where life is less about wealth and more about health, relaxation and anti-stresses.

  1. Physical and Universe
    THE UNIVERSE “goes” through birth to decay! You have to be “AGGRESSIVE” to go againt decay if you want existence.
  2. Wealth and working/ inflation
    IT is a PRINCIPLE of WEALTH….market and Population GROWTH causes INFLATION. What used to cost befor now costs more.
  3. Cancer and Disease
    Cancer is NATURAL in ALMOST all humans. There is a lifecyle of cells that go from birth to death….if growth is too much…cancer! if death is not fast enough…cancer! IT IS A DOUBLE WAMMY sometimes.
  4. Aging and seniality
    The sensory organs become “LESS ATTUNED” as aging occurs…PREVENTATIVE lifesytle, nutrition and diet, exercise and yogas all contribute to MORE REFINED sensory organs.
  5. Desire
    Some don’t even care to live beyond their 70th year of life. Desire to live on earth until end of times is the ambition of TRUEST of IMMORTALS.