Your Wealth Vulnerability Analysis

Your Wealth Vulnerability Analysis
Copyright 2024- Ignite Trust

To know how you stand right up to “DEATH” is PARAMOUNT to unlocking…..

  1. Risk Free Lifestyle
  2. Peace of Mind
  3. Non Hardship on Others

There are 7 ways to understand this…

a. HAVING more than ENOUGH
c. HAVING a investment beyond 18.7% inflation
d. Having BILLS/EXPENSES lower than INCOME
e. Not having to pay for things
f. Living below means and being okay with that
g. Being on lifesupport and or disability offsetting expenses

YET there is NO one way everyone should analyse their wealth.

Expense vs Income
Bills vs extras
Investments and Lifeduration Expensese

Are the common ways….but there are NINE…(see if you can meditate on what these 9 are)…..



From lowest to hardest are formulating….

  1. Bills vs Income
  2. Investments Vs Lifeduration
  3. Goals and Bucket List Cost Vs Income
  4. Pension, Investment Vs Cost Living Expenses
  5. Percentage Decrease of Wealth Offsets Minus Value