Kriya and Yogas From The Sohamahos

Copyright 2024- Dr. Andrew Greszczyszyn

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1.a Sequence
There are MANY sequences! HOWEVER there is ONE AIM! Liberation….

Liberation is defined as EITHER….ENDING reincarnation….becoming A PHYSICAL NOTHING (like what you’d say as a BUDDHIST) or a PHYSICAL IMMORTAL….notice reincarnation is PRESENT theme in ALL religions… become FREE from reincarnating….the body could “DIE” and then RESURRECT (often manytimes, sometime never needed again!).

To become IMMORTAL is PARTIAL yet NOT REQUIRED! liberation AGAIN is the AIM….liberation of sometime 1 sometime more or combination (AT THE RIGHT TIME or in REQUIREMENTS!) of the 12 functions…..with those 12 TRIBE leaders….AIMING to aid in guiding the MASSES to LIBERATION….thos functions (known as 12 tribes….are) WEALTH, SPORTS, POLITICS, ARTS, SYSTEM DESIGN, SPIRITUALITY, ISLAM, TAOISM, CHRISTIANITY, BUDDHISM, JUDAISM, HINDUISM.

Finding the following guide represents you HAVE SEARCHED or HEARD about THE SOHAMAHOS or Kriya or YOGA. Yogananda was who The Sohamahos was last life. The Sohamahos has become fully liberated this life. He is a 9th NOTCH/SEAL with refinement in MORE THAN 60 Nirvikalpa Samadhis and 2 Soruba Samadhis. The/this guide is a introduction to KRIYA discipline for LIBERATION. DONATIONS are WELCOME. NO ONE should use this guide for their own wealth purposes. The KRIYAS have become LEARNT through SAMADHIS.

1.b Levels
There ARE 7 LEVELS with four that ARE taught through disciple teacher relations (this information) and 3 (5-7) that are inturned through SAMADHIS and INTROSPECTION (5 sequences, 6 siddhi uses and 7 initiation of others or becoming a Goddess/God).

One has to LEVEL 1 pass consciousness through each chakra in sequence while on ONE SINGLE breathless STATE
Level 2….USE SAVIKALPAS and attain OPENING of 4 notch/christ consciousness
Level 3….Chakras and Hatha with Pranayam to Savikalpas in MANY of the KRIYAS to open and attain God realization (Nirvikalpas) at least one Nirvikalpa.
Level 4….Attain Liberation in three to five Longevity Mudras or touch uvula with tongue once or more than once (Khecari Mudra)

  1. Samadhis
    Savikalpa is defined as BREATHLESS ENLIGHTENMENTS just passing the SKULL
    Nivilalpa is defined as BREATHLESS ENLIGHETNMENT into LEVELS of DIVINE changes of IDEAS and Gods/Goddess
    Soruba or Samadhi True Samadhi is appreciated as BREATHLESS DEATH of OLD with NEW through consciousness REPROGRAMMING of SELF to a NEW fully DEATH of DYING with LIVING.
    -Each is subsquentially EITHER Not as a one-point BUT A A line to higher consciousness that appears to be able to be done as often as you can, both in “NATURES of ENLIGHTENMENT meaning becoming more and more conscious, as well as HIGHER in ideas
  2. Goals Of Kriyas
    There could be different goals….
    Three are most common
  3. To Attain God realization so you are liberated to heavenly realms
  4. Generally not of Immortality/Siddhi but could be with mind often struggling and requiring wealth/and clearing
  5. Iconism, and Divinity of Relationship Dynamics
  6. Kriyas
    The FOLLOWING is KRIYA LEVEL 4 from The Sohamahos DONATION should be inclusive yet nothing will be negatived even to read or spread to other as a reading.

Hatha: 7 meditation poses (Laying, Kneeling, Standing, Legs Overlapped, Lotus, Groin, Tree Pose) where that is sequence unless able to rectify lotus earlier….done to higher and higher Samadhis.
Hatha POSES: used to Samadhis, where SEATED hamstring, reverse plough are essential for fifth and sixth notch/seal opening so should be incorporated often attempting SAMADHIS. Easier then balancing is one strategy, where two other strategies are ANY/ALL to at LEAST savikalpa(s), and stretching and balance for anti-aging.

Six meditation:

  1. Rotations around both idal/pingala (left and right of spine to third eye and tail bone), from of body up to bottom lip and top lip over skull to tail bone to start sequence again (CV/GV acupuncture vessels).
  2. Counting 1:2 (inbreath 1 where ideal is 16 count or higher and outbreath two fold inbreath)….exagerated and controlled
  3. Chakras sequences (to the point of holding two chakras and 56 possible combination…49 and one for each full completed)
  4. Top of Skull Filling Down, or Bottom Up or Inside Out
  5. Senses (please see discussion on another post for full SENSES) colour to blue and sounds to mi is enough for most people when done to Savikalpa
  6. Mudras (seven I’ve taught….fish, yoni mudra, mahamudra, Khecari, jaw opening, prone right leg lift hand interlocked above head, breath holds insp/expir/combos, seated right heel perineum left pressing right foot with breath stopped)…..all these but Khecari idea to penetrate skull while breath stopped