Advancements In Mind Control Meditations
Copyright 2024 The Sohamahos Dr. Andrew Greszczyszyn
These ideas ARE UNIQUELY not for ALL PARTIES…..
Some frown….others laugh….and some know when and why or how you’d be the right fit for using these techniques.
A) A MIND control experiment…is a game of chance….
B) NOT ALL MINDS act, or act the same way in sequence…the SAME WAY(s)
- Discipline to three things one will PAY OFF…..
a) sleeplessness
b) fasting
c) walking for hours - Another more legthy idea for NON REST is meditation or seclusion
Idea A)
-LENGTHEN the time in any or all of the above…..try to main LUCIDITY….while NOT becoming a ZOOMBIE (what it feels like)
Idea B)
-TRY one LONG TO SUPER LONG BOUT with efforts to….a) give up sleep for 4 day or longer b) fast 14 days on water c) walk 75 or 120 km a day (45 to 72 miles).
Idea C)
-Give UP three foods for 4 months in a row….legumes, dairy and nuts.
Outcomes NOT SPECIFIC yet…..
1) Assertive
2) EGO deprived yet Principled in NON lusts (general not pain but hunger, sleep and sex).
3) Wakefullness and Predictive Sense of Seeing more PATTERNS or becoming GREATLY enlightened more EASILY
4) TRUST with OTHERS yet not DESIRE to be with OTHERS
5) FRIEND with HIGHERSELF (label as you will)
a) control thing
b) countrol some outcomes out of your nature identification
c) clairvoyance
d) habits changeing
e) hatred gone